Data Analytics | European Cultural Point
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About the course

This six-part mini-course teaches students how to do basic statistical analysis using the R programming language. This is an introductory course that assumes you have already installed R on your computer or are in the process of doing so, and that you are motivated to learn at least the basics. This is not an advanced course, but a route to proficiency.

What you will learn

This brief course introduces students to the basics of data manipulation, descriptive statistics, the construction of frequency tables and cross tables, the creation of charts, the application of normality tests, and the application of univariate analysis. Students are expected to have some acquaintance with these ideas, but do not be frightened; every effort will be made to ensure that you do not feel alone.

Target group

This course is for anybody interested in improving their data analysis skills using R.


You have a basic understanding of how to use a computer.

Curriculum plan

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Total price: € 900

Total time: 80 hours

Schedule: Weekend birds/according to calendar

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